eLibrarian was the first app App Works made, since initial
eLibrarian has come a long way.
eLibrarian lets you easily, add, store, view and edit what books you
Now, you no longer have to comb through your house looking for a book
and realizing you don't have it!
You can easily add your books to your account through the "Add Books"
your books are then sent to a secure server for storage.
You can easily view your accounts books by going to the "My Books" page,
there you can also edit and delete your books.
Since your
books are stored in a secured database,
you can view them on any
You can easily edit and delete your books so that they can be just right
for you.
We also have many planned features for updates such as adding the
ability to add by ISBN and a search bar for your books.
Add Books
You can easily add books to your account
eLibrarian features a
simple interface for adding books.
View Books
You can easily view the books youve added from the "View Books" bage.
Multiple Devices
eLibrarian will work accross all of your devices!
Simply sign
in with the same account and your good to go!
Upcoming Features
We have plans to add many new features such as:
- A searchbar
- Adding books by ISBN
- Sorting books